Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Provincial Election...October 10, 2007

Howard Hampton, New Democrat Party Leader

Liberal Party Leader Dalton McGuinty

Conservative Party Leader John Tory and wife Barbara Hackett

Gentlemen, On your Post, Get Set, Goooo...

They’re off and running. Actually only John Tory, The Provincial Conservative Party Leader started his campaign for October 10 Provincial Elections for Members of Ontario Parliament. Premier Dalton McGuinty, Liberals Leader won’t officially start his campaign until next Monday when the writ is signed, while New Democrats Party Howard Hampton, start his by joining the Labour Day parade, without announcing any party policy.

And here are what we expect from the Three Parties representing the Members of the Parliament:

Although the Liberals have not started their campaign yet (they are the government) Finance Minister Greg Sorbora announce that if the Liberal is re-elected it, would create a New Statutory Holiday in February (one of the Months without a day-off, the other are November and June) probably on the third Monday.

Opposition John Tory, can’t wait to question the timing of the announcement and asked...why just now? And added it is cynical (the opposition Leader forgot that this is Election campaign). Of course people have been asking ever since for a long weekend in mid-winter, imagine from January 1 until the Good Friday?

And here’s the Major Issue this Election and the Party’s stand on them:

But the major issues in the campaign will focus on the economy, the environment, help for cities and the working poor, along with the hot-button issue of funding for faith-based schools, which Tory ignited by saying he would fund them, while McGuinty supports the status quo – funding for public and Catholic schools.

Don’t Know yet where the NDP stands on these issues.

The Parties go into the campaign with these standing:

Liberal: 68 out of 103 seats
Tories : 24
Democrats: 10
I seat vacant.. There will be an additional 4 seats to be contested this October 10 election (re-adjustment)..

And also there will be a referendum for Proportional Representation System of electing members and if carried will take effect in 2011.

Finally NDP Leader has something to say:

Hampton said the Liberals can't be counted on to keep their promise of a new holiday given that the government effectively killed a private member's bill in 2003 that would have created such a holiday.
"Dalton McGuinty found the time to give himself a $40,000 raise but didn't get around to giving working families a much-needed day off," Hampton said in a statement.

I’d say what about a Statutory Holiday in November? Third Monday would be perfect...

Care to read more related articles?
Toronto Star