"Six Weird Things About Myself".
Tagged by Major Tom who’s been tagged by someone else to tell the world about the six Weirdest Things About Myself And Here are the Six that first came to mind.
1. When I was in High School I was surprised of myself of how good I could be one year and be the worst student the next. Took me Six Years to finish it altogether and that surprised even my teachers in my "good years". This is weird knowing that I could have done it in time with honours too.
2. I started drinking hard and smoking like chimney at a very young age trying very hard to keep away from the knowledge of my father who must had known all the way, because as soon as I reached the age of Majority 18, he just told me "now you don’t have to hide anymore" and handed me a package of Freshly Bought Marlboro, a bottle of imported Johnny Walker, my favourite brands . We became friends all the way.
That one is also weird because I was thinking I was smart enough to hide the stink of Tanduay and Tuba (this one you can smell from miles).
3. What happened in High School was repeated in College, but I had a very good Excuse since I was a working Student, working full time with the Philippine Railway Co. and just taking night class just to make father happy, not really interested becoming an accountant. (Although taken and passed the CPA board, only worked as an accountant for exactly one day).
That is very weird, because as hard it took me to graduate it was an easy time passing the board exams.
4. Been good with Girls during my younger days, but can’t have a lasting relationship, because of the love affair with alcohol that sometimes I can’t even remember the name of my current girlfriend when asked. (Whoever wanted such a guy? Hehehe).
That is crazy weird, because now some of them have grandchildren and I can remember everyone of them, including their names and how they all started. Maybe too much time indulging about the past..another weird pasttime..
5. But like anything else, that even "true love" sometimes does not really last forever, I suddenly gave up both excessive drinking and quit smoking completely and one of the reasons was the coming of the little ones (my nieces and my nephews, one of them is already well-known) and the promise I gave my parents to look after the younger ones, that I ended up looking after even my elder siblings and their children and maybe their children’ children if I’m still around and the way it is going it may as well be, because we have no longer compulsory retirement and I believe I’ll be able to work till I’m, let’s say 90??
I thought all the time that I’ll be retiring from it all at 55... oh boy!!! was I wrong...
6. Right now, after driving everywhere and anytime for the longest time, all the time I feel something very strange when suddenly, I decided to go green by not replacing the old Junkie that quit on me after 17 years of dedicated and not a single day of complaint service.
Taking the Mass Transit system to work and everywhere has suddenly made me aware that there are hundreds and thousands of beautiful people, excited children, lovers whispering sweet nothing on each others ears, youths dancing to the sound of their ipods and oldies too (including me), passengers engross with their readings of romance novels and some who have not quite done with their grooming, traveling fellows that are friendly, bus drivers that are courteous and the most discipline commuters ever, no pushing, always an orderly lineup and courtesy among passengers especially giving up seats for expectant mothers....
That’s weird that after more than three decades of living here, just noticed that there are those things around, that even if I get a car or an SUV anytime, I’ll keep taking the Bus to work....
I would not tag this one as "permanent weird" yet, because who will know if I ever fall in love with driving ...again..let you know as soon as I get the car (and that prospect is not forthcoming) and I will be singing the Second Time Around... but I sure miss all the beautiful girls who always take the same Schedules..but not the few "smelly drunks" that kind of hard to get away when the Bus is jam-packed....
Who would I tag? I don’t have enough on my list, but let me try, and I’ll start with the always sport verns, Bw my fellow Torontonian, niceheart of winnipeg, major dude my kasimanwa of ca (sorry don’t know how to do the link by HTML yet), and the bibs ( she has her blogs, but she would not let me know her url but she read this and she knows she’s been tagged).
There you go, weird things, not as weird to some, most already happened, some still in progress.
But there are lessons we learned from the weirdest things we did, sometimes we found out they are not that weird after all, just normally weird..and sometimes we don’t make sense at all and that is the Weirdest Thing or Just me in my Weirdest Day....
There you go, weird things, not as weird to some, most already happened, some still in progress.
But there are lessons we learned from the weirdest things we did, sometimes we found out they are not that weird after all, just normally weird..and sometimes we don’t make sense at all and that is the Weirdest Thing or Just me in my Weirdest Day....
For major dude klik: For the rest, please find them on my sidebar and for the bibs, forget it, she won't tell, and would not take bribe....that's weird too, because she is also from the family of prominent politicians that readily takes bribes, and that I knew...
major dude: