Just as Recently as few weeks ago, there were lots of Goings On in the Republic of the Philippines in Regards to the Electricity Rates charge by the Manila Electric Co. (Meralco) and is said to be the highest in Asia next to Japan (as we all knew Japan has the highest Cost of living in all Asia). There was an Attempt by the Government Pension Agency, known by its initial GSIS to take over the Management with a promise that it will be able to lower the rates. The current management is under the Lopezes, the Old Oligarch families who have been the on-and-off controlling majority interests of the country's largest Electricity Distributors.
Now to compare the typical electricity rates between the two Particular comparable situations, I posted our household billings which maybe compared by those who has the experience of paying the Highest Rate of Electricity in Asia Next to Japan:
Account Number***
000 776 93
Meter Number***
***altered to maintain privacy1024
Statement Date Amount Due Due Date Amount Paid
Jun 25 2008
$145.53 = (
Total Bill for 61 days for the total usage of 1160 kWh + 43 kWh system loss (3.76 %)). Exchange rate of $1 to 42 Pesos:
Jul 12 2008
CoTttactm"ar 416.542.8000
1 / 1
● Website
A 1.5% monthly late payment interest charge will be applied if received after due date
Your Electricity Charges
394.628 KWH @ 5.000 cents/KWH 19.50
808.987 KWH @ 5.000 cents/KWH 40.45
Delivery 62.32
Regulatory 7.97
Debt Retirement Charge 8.12
Your Total Electricity Charges
6.94 = 5 %
Federal Goods and Services Tax.
G.S.T. (G.S.T. Registration 89671 8327 RT0001)
Compare your daily usage
Read Date kWh Usage
r->10 JUN 08 i:;l58W«!ffi;; 1.160
10 APR 08 W$$$$ii88iS 1.394
08 FES 08 *?*.S::::;S;:;;i:5;;;;:S 1.324
07 DEC 07 iiiiiilisi 1,269
10 OCT 07 SSlliSiigg: 1.265
09 AUG 07 :sS;j:s:;:;jSS!:?;iS}:'?:;S 1.717
-3»08 JUN 07 fiisliiii;;: 1.125
10 APR 07 iligiill 1.268
08 FEB 07 kWh/dav c ,,..,, ^513
10 20 30 40 50 60
Your previous charges
Amount of last bill
Totai Payments-Thank you
Balance Forward
169.64 169.64
Amount to be Withdrawn Jul 12 2008
Every Kilowatt Counts Summer Sweepstakes -Reduce your summer electricity use by 10% for a chance to win green prizes! Details at jwww.torontohydro.com/summersweepstakes
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Your electricity usage
Meter Number Meter Reading Period Number of Days Read Type Units Self-Contained Current Reading Previous Reading kWh Used Loss Factor Adjustment Adjusted kWhUsed
10248265 APR 10 2008 To JUN 10 2008 61 Est. 1 9505 - 8346 = 1150 X 1.0375* = 1203.616
Further comment by Me:
(* Technical Loss at 3.76 % added to the charges... Billings is for 61 days, from April 10 to June 10 as per meter readings. The surge on the usage between the first 30 days and the later 31 days is the use of central air due to the heat wave during the days of late may and early June...)
Breakdown of delivery charge by the distributor:
Transmission Charge1 - 1.02¢/kWh
Distribution Charge - 1.87¢/kWh
Lost Revenue Adjustment Charge (New) - 0.08¢/kWh
Shared Savings Charge (New) - 0.09¢/kWh- (This charge was for the lost revenue incurred for last year shared savings on conservation measures...the goal here is to conserve energy, yet still not burden the taxpayers for the shortfall in revenue but instead the users of electricity...the more you use the more you compensate for others savings.
Customer Charge - $
12.97/30 days —(Fixed Charge)-Also very important note: Charges by the Generators of Electricity are collected by local Distributors without Markups on behalf of the Generators:
Note: highlighted and referenced notations are mine: