Thursday, October 11, 2007

Liberals back in Government with a Majority...

A triumphant Dalton McGuinty gets a congratulatory kiss from wife Terri, as supporters chanted, "Four More Years".. First Back to Back majority for the Liberals in 70 years...

Provincial Election Results:
Liberal Back in Government with a MAJORITY:

Liberals: 71 seats - 42 % popular, lost 1 seat.

Conservatives: 26 seats -32 % popular vote. gained 2 seats.

New Democrats: 10 seats - 17 % popular vote. Gained 3 seats same popular vote.

Green: 0 seats - 8% popular vote..about the same as last election...

(four seats added from 103 to 107, regular re-adjustments).

Forgiving his broken promise not to raise taxes in 2003, voters yesterday handed Premier Dalton McGuinty the first back-to-back Liberal majority government since Mitch Hepburn won 70 years ago. Read the complete coverage here..

I would say, Conservatives leader John Tory ran a very, very bad campaign...

First, the issue of Publicly funding all faith-base schools at an estimated initial costs of $400 annually for 53,000 thousands students, a 3 % of the total provincial students (Separate School system, the Catholic Schools account for 600,000 students) and could grow up is just too much for the voters. I mentioned in previous post that this is the hottest issue, that voters almost disregard all other issues Election hottest issue..

However, the gravest concern with the Conservative plan came from within the party, where there are still wounds from Davis's (former Conservative Premier) Catholic school funding proclamation a generation ago. The unrest within the party forced Tory to reverse his stance and say that a free vote would be held in the Legislature on the issue.

Second, Party leader Tory run against Liberal Education Minister Kathleen Wayne, a very popular member of the Liberal who promised to also strengthened her Education Ministry, hoping to Unseat the minister on his promise of Funding all faith-based schools that even Fragmented his own party candidates. Tory Failed to win a seat.

Tory has forgotten the rule of Politics, a good manager does not really translate to being a winning politician. That he can not underestimate the voters by forcing his agenda before consulting the public for their sentiments or even his own caucus, which were not unanimous with his major campaign programs..

For Referendum results, the first referendum in 83 years was a disappointment, not because the voters voted 2-1 to stay for the same First Past the Post system than to change to Mixed Member Proportional Representation, but because of the failure by referendum body to fully inform the voters what the Referendum was about...

I myself was surprised that so many voters do not even knew or understood what a mixed member proportional meant. Considering that the province has no referendum experience for the last 83 years, this is not surprising....