Government MP James Moore
update: 9.05 am, Dec 7, 07...And here's some more from the NDP, (New Democratic Party, or Socialists).. Yesterday, Deputy Leader Libbyy Davies offered yet the latest mea culpa, a stunning climb down from her party's accusation that a Liberal Candidate had tried to bribe his NDP rival into quiting the race. The result was devastating for the Liberal Candidate as he was dumped by then PM Paul Martin as the Party Flag Bearer after the allegation became public. The candidate already settled the lawsuit and still has to receive an apology from then PM Martin for dumpint him without looking at the matter further. Election Canada had cleared him of all Allegations...to look at the accusation of the NDP Junkyard Dog Tatics Check the star>
Shame and Scandal in the House?
Opposition MP attacked a member of the Governing Party, accusing him of viewing some kind of 'Soft Porn' in the House of Commons, only to Apologize hours later when told by the young MP that the pictures of scantily clad woman he was looking at his laptap was that of his girlfriend.
New Democrat MP Irene Mathyssen launched an explosive attacked in the house of common that she saw Conservative MP James Moore looking at Playboy type picture of a scantily clad woman at his laptop moment before the parliament has to adjourn last Tuesday.
Noting that the Conservative Government cuts to a number of women’s program, Mathyssen said that Moore action give the impression that the government is no friend of women especially the 18 anniversary of the Montreal massacre of 14 women.
Since December 2004, when the chamber received a number of technological upgrades, MPs have had access to wireless Internet. Unlike many work environments, however, there are no restrictions placed on what websites politicians can look at.
MP Mathyssen said that she will make a formal apology in the house of commons at the earliest possible time and MP Moore when asked if he will file a lawsuit, has no comments.
MPs are protected from lawsuits and immune from prosecution of the actions and speech delivered in the House, but MP Mathyssen repeated her accusation to the reporters outside the house. We’ll see...for detail of the Porn that was not check just my girlfriend>but thanks for the compliments...